
OwnYou has six stakeholders - individuals, advertisers and businesses, publishers, the Intelligence Stack, infrastructure providers, and developers. Each group contributes to, and benefits from, the platform in an equitable and sustainable way. OwnYou is a community, an ecosystem, a market, and an economy. It strives to serve the needs of its stakeholders, creating a regenerative system, to everyone's benefit.

Key stakeholders in the OwnYou ecosystem.


Individuals, or consumer users, contribute personal data and consume publishing content, advertising and business services. Individuals, and their agents, control their personal data, and information is only shared pseudonymously, using one time decentralized identifiers (or DIDs). Sharing information helps individuals access content, and receive monetary rewards. OwnYou is not an attention system. Users will not be asked to watch ads, or participate in surveys, for the sake of rewards. Rewards are a function of normal user behavior. Our blogs on individual user problems, requirements and incentives, will help you better understand their motivations and needs.


Advertisers buy user profiles for targeted advertising, developing new audiences and converting existing ones. Advertisers optimize returns on investment by targeting a suitable audience and measuring the effectiveness of different campaigns. That requires both high quality target audience data, and effective attribution. Attribution reporting relies on both timely and high resolution data. Our blogs on advertiser problems, and requirements, will help you better understand the problems faced by advertisers as third-party cookies are deprecated, and their needs and wants. In particular, we discuss how advertisers must balance finding, an paying more for, high quality inventory, against spending money on readily available, but lower quality, inventory.


Publishers provide users with relevant content and curate high quality audiences, creating inventory for advertisers. There are several ways an OwnYou individual can monetize their personal data. They can participate in OwnYou Easter Egg location based marketing, a platform maintained by OwnYou and made available to marketers. They can participate in dynamic price comparison, where their OwnYou agent proactively feeds anonymous data to price comparison services to ensure they are getting the best deals on upcoming service renewals, or new service needs. However, we think the most obvious near term opportunity is to help publishers reach new audiences, and improve the quality of their inventory, while making it easy for OwnYou users to access high quality content, without sacrificing their privacy. No doubt, this continues to be a challenging environment for publishers but there are opportunities, and we are confident OwnYou can play a role in helping publishers move forward.

The Intelligence Stack

The Intelligence Stack creates information from raw user data, using privacy preserving decentralized computing. The Intelligence Stack is a community of machine learning professionals, optimizing algorithms that create accurate consumer profiles for advertisers, price comparison sites, marketers and other business looking to connect with their target market. We are on the eve of an explosion in artificial intelligence resources. While the market is currently dominated by a few big players, HuggingFace shows us the appetite for an open source community. We think that heralds a explosion in independent machine learning experts, readily deployed in helping OwnYou users convert their raw data into information that can be used to enrich their experience, and themselves. The Intelligence Stack will be compensated

Infrastructure providers

Infrastructure Providers maintain the network, provide storage and compute services. Infrastructure (node) providers commit to providing network capacity. They specify the workloads and capabilities they support (storage, intelligence stack services etc) and they specify the traffic throughput supported. They are compensated for providing services with stablecoins and OwnYou tokens.

To start with, some services will be managed by OwnYou Ltd. However, the goal is to migrate to a decentralised infrastructure as quickly as possible. There needs to be a balance between building enough infrastructure to assess product market fit, and moving steadily towards decentralised architecture.


Developers make it all happen. Development will be open source but managed by OwnYou Ltd until we reach escape velocity, at which point direction and control will be handed over to the OwnYou DAO.

Design Goals